Behaviour Change Consultancy
Motivational Interviewing Training Specialists
Mikel Gellatly

Mikel Gellatly is the Owner Operator of Be Change – Behaviour Change Consultancy. In his ‘day-job’ he is also the Clinical Services Manager for Lives Lived Well’s Central Queensland Clinical Services. Mikel is a qualified Social Worker and has a background in Psychotherapy. Mikel is also a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT), delivering MI training across a variety of social and health support domains in both Australia and Singapore. Having worked in clinical and leadership roles within Alcohol and Other Drug sector for the past 13 years, Mikel’s career has largely focussed on program development, workforce capability, and the implementation of evidence-based practice within these settings, ensuring those accessing services are receiving the most effective support possible.
Mikel has an in-depth knowledge of the complexities and challenges involved in treating individuals with substance use disorders, as well as the various theories and models that can be employed to support their recovery. In addition to his professional experience, Mikel also brings a personal perspective to his training, workshops, coaching, and consultancy, having gone through his own journey of addiction and recovery. This lived experience has provided Mikel with a unique insight into the emotional and psychological aspects of addiction, and how to best support clients through the recovery process. Those receiving our services can therefore be assured that they are learning from someone with both a substantial theoretical underpinning and practical experience in the field.
Be Change is an organisation determined in ensuring that those suffering from addiction receive the best possible support.
"Mikel is in the very rare position that he has an extensive lived experience coupled with long term study. This enables him to facilitate very significant change for both patients and industry professionals.
Highly recommend and trust Mikel in is specialty. I would recommend a family member or dear friend see Mikel if the case was ever necessary."