Are you tired of feeling trapped by addiction? Are you or a loved one feeling powerless and stuck with what to do to move forward? Are you unsure how to navigate the complicated treatment system? Take control of your life and unleash your full potential with Be Change’s discreet addiction recovery coaching services. Our services cater to individuals who value privacy and financial security during their journey to sobriety.
At Be Change, we believe in the power of personalised support and guidance to achieve lasting change. Our expert coaches are dedicated to helping you reclaim your life and overcome addiction, one step at a time. And with our confidential approach, you don't have to worry about the impact on your income protection insurance or life insurance.
At Be Change, we offer a comprehensive, individually tailored, recovery coaching package over 12-weeks for individuals.
At Be Change, so we also offer assessment, advice, referral, and advocacy for those struggling to effectively navigate the complex treatment system. If treatment with us is not the right fit, we will support you to effectively engage with the right treatment that is matched to your needs.
Don’t let addiction hold you back any longer. Take action today and experience the freedom that comes with sobriety. Invest in yourself and start your journey with Be Change. Let us help you unlock a brighter future and live life to the fullest. Reach out today to book an initial phone consult.
1 hr
199 Australian dollars
Our Model Of Care
“People are just as wonderful as sunsets if you let them be. When I look at a sunset, I don't find myself saying, "Soften the orange a bit on the right-hand corner." I don't try to control a sunset. I watch with awe as it unfolds.”
― Carl R. Rogers
Be Change Recovery Coaching model is based on the fact that people can and do change their lives with and without our help. For the people we have the opportunity to work with, we view providing a safe, respectful and accepting environment as the foundation for developing therapeutic partnerships and learning skills to be a successful person.
The Be Change Recovery Coaching Model is based on the beliefs that:
People do not plan to develop problems in their lives.
People are turning to vices such as drugs, alcohol, gambling, work, sex, porn, and other material things as a means to cope with stress and emotional pain.
People have the intrinsic capacity to build character and change their lives.
The potential for growth and improvement is much greater when it comes to attachment. The cycle of poor attachment can be broken with the right kind of evidence-based interventions and that can make a huge difference in a person’s life.
Change happens in the context of relationships. Relationships are essential to fostering therapeutic change.
Facilitating change is something done in partnership with people and not administered to them.
Utilising evidence-based treatment approaches is essential to our ethos.
What we do (evidence-based treatments) and how we do it (evidence-based practices), are equally as important as each other.
In order to understand the effectiveness of the Be Change Recovery Coaching model, evaluation (during the coaching program, and at follow-up) is essential.
The Theoretical Foundations of Our Recovery Coaching Model
Person-Centred Therapy
Developed by psychologist Carl Rogers, PhD in the 1940s. This type of therapy diverged from the traditional model of the therapist as expert and moved instead toward a nondirective, empathic approach that empowers and motivates the client in the therapeutic process. The therapy is based on Rogers’s belief that every human being strives for and has the capacity to fulfil his or her own potential. Rather than viewing people as inherently flawed, with problematic behaviours and thoughts that require treatment, person-centred therapy identifies that each person has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change.
Attachment Theory: The Science of Relationships
First introduced by John Bowlby, MD about half a century ago, attachment theory is now used to explain individual differences (also called “styles”) in how people think, feel, and behave in relationships. The word “attachment” refers to emotionally significant interpersonal bonds people form throughout their lives, first with parents, then friends, lovers, partners, and children. Longitudinal research has shown that childhood experiences (starting within the first 12 months of life) profoundly influence relationships in adulthood. Parents that are consistently responsive, available, and emotionally intelligent can instill or “teach” good relationship behaviors to their children. These children subsequently grow up to be more socially adept and well adjusted. Such people are labeled “secure,” and are predicted to have happy relationships in their adult years because they have learned what behaviors are appropriate.
Other children do not fare as well. Parents who are inconsistently available (or consistently unavailable) “teach” their children that others cannot be fully trusted or counted on for social support, and that closeness and intimacy in relationships is dangerous. Fear is a core aspect of this relational insecurity. Insecure people are afraid that they will be betrayed, abandoned, rejected, or worse if they become attached to someone.
Someone’s “attachment style” can influence how they feel in their relationships (satisfaction, love, etc.), as well as a wide variety of behaviours including communication, conflict, break-ups, and substance misuse.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive behavioural therapy is grounded in the belief that it is a person’s perception of events—rather than the events themselves—that determines how he or she will feel and act. CBT is a short-term, focused form of behavioural treatment that helps people see the relationship between beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, and subsequent behaviour patterns and actions. Through CBT, people learn that their perceptions directly influence their responses to specific situations. In other words, a person’s thought process informs his or her behaviours and actions. Cognitive behavioural therapy is not a distinct treatment technique; rather, it is a general term, which refers to a group of therapies that have certain similarities in therapeutic methodology.
Positive Psychology
Positive Psychology is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play. Positive psychology has its emphasis on the practical realisation of the positive influences in one’s life, such as positive character strengths, optimistic emotions, and constructive institutions. This theory is based on the belief that happiness and well-being is derived from various factors, both emotional and mental. Positive psychology aims to help people identify the happiness moment-to-moment, rather than only in retrospection. People who receive this type of treatment are able to experience a greater sense of joy and liberation during their current life circumstances, and they strive to stay focused on the positive emotions they experience in the present moment.
Motivational Interviewing
Motivational interviewing is a person-centred, collaborative, goal-oriented style of communication with particular attention to the language of change. It is designed to strengthen personal motivation for and commitment to a specific goal by eliciting and exploring the person’s own reasons for change within an atmosphere of acceptance and compassion. Motivational interviewing is a skill that can be effectively utilised with individuals and groups.
The Be Change model also incorporates ideas and strategies from a range of other schools of thought, such as:
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to identify, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of daily life, such as the way people behave and interact with others.
Emotional intelligence consists of four attributes:
Self-awareness – The ability to recognize one’s own emotions and how they affect thoughts and behaviour, know their strengths and weaknesses, and have self-confidence.
Self-management – The ability to control impulsive feelings and behaviours, manage emotions in healthy ways, take initiative, follow through on commitments, and adapt to changing circumstances.
Social awareness – Able to understand the emotions, needs, and concerns of other people, pick up on emotional cues, feel comfortable socially, and recognize the power dynamics in a group or organization.
Relationship management – Know how to develop and maintain good relationships, communicate clearly, inspire and influence others, work well in a team, and manage conflict.
Mind Set
Researcher Carrell Dweck, PhD sees that individuals can be placed on a continuum according to their implicit views of where ability comes from. Some people believe their success is based on innate ability; these are said to have a "fixed" theory of intelligence - fixed mindset. Others, who believe their success is based on hard work, learning, training, and doggedness are said to have a "growth" or an "incremental" theory of intelligence - growth mindset. Individuals may not necessarily be aware of their own mindset, but their mindset can still be discerned based on their behaviour. It is especially evident in their reaction to failure. Fixed-mindset individuals dread failure because it is a negative statement on their basic abilities, while growth mindset individuals don't mind or fear failure as much because they realize their performance can be improved and learning comes from failure.
These two mindsets play an important role in all aspects of a person's life. This is important because (1) individuals with a "growth" theory are more likely to continue working hard despite setbacks and (2) individuals' theories of their own intelligence can be affected by subtle environmental cues. It is possible to encourage people, for example, to persist despite failure by encouraging them to think about learning from it and managing it in a productive way.
Mindfulness is increasingly recognised as an effective way to reduce stress, increase self-awareness, enhance emotional intelligence, and effectively handle painful thoughts and feelings. Although mindfulness has only recently been embraced by Western psychology, it is an ancient practice found in a wide range of Eastern philosophies, including Buddhism, Taoism and Yoga. Mindfulness involves consciously bringing awareness to your here-and-now experience with openness, interest, and receptiveness. Jon Kabat-Zinn, a world authority on the use of mindfulness training in the management of clinical problems, defines it as: "Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally." Mindfulness is about waking up, connecting with ourselves, and appreciating the fullness of each moment of life. Kabat-Zinn calls it, "The art of conscious living." It is a profound way to enhance psychological and emotional resilience and increase life satisfaction.
Exercise is an essential component of addiction recovery and healthy living, for several reasons. Firstly, physical activity can help alleviate the milder symptoms of withdrawal, and significantly reduce cravings, which can be commonplace in the recovery process. Additionally, exercise can help individuals manage stress and anxiety, which are often triggers for substance abuse. Regular exercise can help improve mood and increase self-esteem, which is particularly beneficial for individuals struggling with addiction. Moreover, exercise can provide a health and positive outlet for individuals to replace negative coping mechanisms. By incorporating exercise into their daily routine, individuals in addiction recovery can improve their physical and mental health, reduce the risk of relapse, and achieve long-term sobriety.
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that diet plays an important role in the recovery form addiction. A diet that is high in nutrients, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains, can help to support the body’s natural healing process, reduce inflammation, and improve overall physical and mental health. In contrast, a diet that is high in sugar, processed foods, and saturated fats can contribute inflammation, oxidative stress and other health issues that may hinder recovery. Additionally, certain supplements, such as omega-3 fatty acids and B vitamins, may also be beneficial for those in recovery. While diet alone is unlikely to be a complete solution for addiction, it can be an important part of a comprehensive treatment plan.